Friday, November 16, 2007

Are you happy now?!

I finally caved in! A few people had been bugging me, mainly Brooke Baker :), to get a blog so they could post comments and have more access to my pics and such. Even though I had already established a website, I decided to give blogging a try to see if I like it better. So, I ask you, are you happy now?! I hope so! :) I will do my best to post pictures and blips about what is going on in our lives. I love reading all of yours, so hopefully you will enjoy reading ours.


brooke said...

HOORAY!!! I'm so glad that you caved! Now we can be psycho blogging buddies! Won't it be fun?

Jessica said...

I must admit, since I've started this blog, I'm always thinking about what I can post next. I will post my info. since you tagged me.