Monday, January 10, 2011

Am I done yet?

That is how I feel now that I am 35 weeks pregnant!  The doctors are estimating that the baby is already 5 pounds and will gain between 1/2 and and 1 pound a week from now on!  Monster baby!  No thank you!  The weekly stress tests and fluid checks have now begun to make sure everything is still good with me and the baby.  The first one was today and everything was fine.  However, I did gain 4 pounds over the weekend!  I really hope that is water!  My face and filangies look fairly normal as do my ankles.  Uh oh!  The heartburn is constant and my belly feels like it has stretched as far as it will go!  I am so glad this is our last one!  Can I get an amen anyone?


Lissy said...

I'd give you an amen, but I'm not there with you yet! I'll just have to say that is awesome you lucky lady! Hope everything goes great with labor and delivery. Can't wait to see pictures of your tiny new one! :)

brooke said...

AMEN! I'm thinking this is my last pregnancy, and I'm only barely finishing the first icky trimester! You can make it, you're just about done. Just seroiusly do NOTHING. Enjoy the last few weeks. No play dates, no singing, just lay around, read some good books, nest.